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ArtcodeDescription 1Description 2Description 3
B77201EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeNatural, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)
B77202EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeRed, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)
B77203EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeBlue, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)
B77204EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeGreen, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)
B77205EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeYellow, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)
B77206EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeOrange, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)
B77207EU 0.1 ml Thin-wall tubeViolet, Bag of 1000 tubesLP,LF,Optical Indented wide area Cap (0.1 ml)