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ArtcodeDescription 1Description 2Description 3
B710722.0 ml Screw Cap TubeNatural, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912322.0 ml Screw Cap TubeRed, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912332.0 ml Screw Cap TubeBlue, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912342.0 ml Screw Cap TubeGreen, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912352.0 ml Screw Cap TubeYellow, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912362.0 ml Screw Cap TubeOrange, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912372.0 ml Screw Cap TubeViolet, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912382.0 ml Screw Cap TubeAmber, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912392.0 ml Screw Cap TubeWhite, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing
B912412.0 ml Screw Cap TubeNatural, Sterile, Bag of 500 tubesFree Standing